Uglyful should be a real word.
What does 'ROFL' mean anyway?
There is nothing in this world I hate more than rats. If I ever see one that's alive, it's a wrap.
And, I have never had cable my entire life. I blame my parents. And my desire of having a better life by going to school.
I don't enjoy chicken that much. Stereotypes aren't always true.
I have a vivid imagination. I'm currently a world wide superstar that is also a billionaire.
I thought Freddy Kruger was real as a child...still kindda do.
Fruit cocktail is that deal.

Fake nails are stupid and unnecessary and uncomfortable.
This ignant ish.
Mermaids and those creatures that are half man and horse are the worst.
You know on a hot summer's day when it been raining and then during sunset everything turns orange. That scares the hell out of me. Like armageddon or something.
When I was about 15, my feet finally stopped growing at a healthy size 12. I remember going to Payless and having to go all the way to the back of the store for an ugly gym shoe.
What the hell is premium weather?
I hate cheerleaders, especially grown ass women who cheer. Why? Skinny chicks can make a career out of anything. "What do you do for a living?"... responds, "I breathe".

Food comforts me. People don't.
My major should have been in clownology. At least I would have been out of school by now. Two more years my ass.
Soap opera's are so pointless.
I do love celebrity gossip blogs.
When did stamps go up to 39 cents?
I have one friend. Well 3 if I count Jesus and myself.
Am I the only person that hates dogs? Man's best friend my ass. Well then that rabid ass dog shouldn't have chased me down the street when I was 9. Running for my damn life.

If I wasn't going to school, I would probably be a recluse.
Why do I get crushes on people I KNOW I will never be able to get? Like that one professor is gonna say, "Hey baby, you've what's been missing my whole life. Now come over here and get an A and a kiss". That's probably what he said to his life partner though.
I never thought I would write a blog. Even if nobody does read, it's like a diary in a way.
Smart people who get on the Dean's List blow so much, it hurts.