Why are others expectations of us always so unattainable? Always just a little too far out of our reach? Parents have these expectations, but so do children. Parents want the best, expect the best, demand the best. They want us to be better than them, to make up for those deficiencies that complicated their goals and aspirations. It's easy for them to expect this, for it is something held for the future. You can't hold it,or look at it, or smell it but they know its real. Assume it's real. But what about the present? Are the expectations for the present far too hard for the child to grasp?
Likewise, children assume that their parents will function in some capacity or another to provide for their means. And if these needs are not met, is that grounds for dismissing these goals set by the parents? Is it okay to forever hold that grudge that naws at your very existence? The what if's...what if you had a decent job and I could wear the clothes I wanted...what if you weren't sick and felt the need to turn to those drugs...what if you worked hard enough so I could be in the upper echelons of society and not at the bottom?
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