Remember when life was simple and...
Drag the t.v. out in the morning make a giant bowl of cereal and gig off of Sesame Street...

Going over Grandma's house for a family cook out..
When money was only used to buy candy and ish...
Sitting on the steps in the hazy morning eating a cucumber and salt...
When the worst part of the day was waking up to go to school...
But when you finally woke up all you do was talk to friends all day...
Bills was as foreign as China...
You didn't know you were a particular color...
Riding bikes down the street almost gettin' hit...

Having snow ball fights until you got hit with a piece of ice, then sat and cried for a minute and started again...
Sneaking off kissing/watching somebody else kiss...
Exploring the old basement until you got cut up by something... still have the scar...
Jumping rope with a those plastic tubes on breathing machines...
Getting out of school early for any reason...
Waiting for the first of the month for that one treat you don't get everyday...
Scaveging the house for pennies to buy gumballs...
Throwing horseshoes in the backyard...
Playing in that old car, wishing it would really drive you somewhere...
Riding a grocery cart down the driveway like an idiot...

The best books were "Where the Wild Things Are" and "The Velveteen Rabbit"...
Being a kid and not a grownup where the world is a cold, cold place.