People always tell me that I look very mean and angry all the time. I'm not mad all of the time, just 90% of the time. I hate when strangers look at me and say, "Damn, smile. It's not that bad". I smile just to get rid of them, when I should say that yes, it is that bad.
I don't know how to speak or write in ebonics, yet I'm black and have lived in the ghetto all my life.
I hate cleaning, especially when someone else gets it dirty soon after. But you know, I get skeeved at my own messes.
I wish I had more money.
Don't you hate when you post a comment on a site and then someone tries to ho you. "You just a hater anyway. You wish you had Beyonce's lace fronts". And I say "Yes, bitch I am a hater. I also have hair of my own".
I've been in college for the past 6 years of my life. I'm ready to leave.
At this rate, I'll never see the 'real world'.
Eggs are disguisting, but omeletes look delicious.
When using public restrooms, I always tear off the first few squares of tissue and throw it in the toilet. It skeeves me out thinking somebody touched it.
And don't even let it just be lying about because the janitors were to lazy to put it in the dispenser. Yuck!
I use public transportation everyday and I hate when someone sits next to me and makes a big deal about my fatness. Here they are hanging all off the seat holding on for dear life at every stop. Stand up then!!
Have you ever gotten on the bus, and all the handicap/senior seat were taken by grown men?
Does anybody else eat this stuff??
I consider myself to be a nice person only if I know you and you're nice to me. I find it hard to care about strangers. I'm not a very warm person.
Why when you talk to old people they start off pleasant and then get into some rant about crooked negro preachers and the downfall of the black community?
I've never had a boyfriend, that's why I'm not quite sure what I like in a man. I'm pretty sure he will look something like this:

I like shy people, they understand the pain.
I like to eat, but not cook.
Judging from so many 'I's', I'm probably more self-centered than I thought. My favorite person to spend time with is me though.
I sweat like a pig. Literally.
The urban dictionary ought to help me with my ebonics. Sad.
Lost 40 pounds in six months, though.
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