Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My First Post

You know, I realize that it takes alot of ego for someone to believe that their thoughts and feelings matter to a large number of people. And even more so with hundreds of thousands of blogs out in Internet land. Well...I don't have a super ego. In fact, I'll be surprised if one person reads my postings. Eh, it doesn't matter. Hey, it's worth a go at it anyway I suppose.

I don't have a central theme as of yet. Probably just a bunch of my crazy, mixed up and random thoughts that hopefully you'll find amusing, or at the very least mildly insightful.

If I could describe myself in one word, I think it would be 'weird'. Yeah, I'm pretty weird for a 23 year old, black female college student. I like to go against the grain, mainly because I don't which way the grain goes.

So let's see where this will take us. Who knows, maybe one day I'll become the most famous blogger in cyberspace and become filthy rich and then use my money and power to crush all of those who oppose me!! Or maybe I'll give up on this like I did my last attempt to quit smoking and diet.

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